Music is powerful in various ways. It sparks feelings, boosts the immune system, and communicates our feelings about others. One way to know if music will stand the test of time is if an animal likes it very much.
Dogs can be great companions to humans. Honey is the perfect example!
Honey is Melissa Mourelatos’ rescue dog who enjoys singing along with a good song. She knows a good song when she hears it.

Melissa was born in the 1990s, so she loved to sing to music from that time.
Melissa and Honey rode the car along the Humboldt County when Michael Jackson’s hit Will You Be There played on the radio. Honey sang along without hesitation!
She sang with all her heart and poured all her emotions into singing, like doing a live performance for a show. She is into the King of Pop’s songs.

Jackson, a singer and composer from the United States, is recognized as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century.
Regardless of age, Jackson has captured the hearts of many, including dogs. His legacy endures today, and no one can argue with that.
Whether Honey the Dog can sing well or not, it is just too adorable to stop watching. When an adorable dog starts singing, you can’t tell them to stop.
Music is a great way to express our feelings and tell others how much we care. It is the finest way to show love. It has a way to touch your soul, makes you feel amazing, and is a distinct way to give inspiration and even offer feelings that were not there.

Animals can’t speak, but Honey’s song made it clear that she adored her owner.
Watch the video below showing Honey singing with her mom. Share this with your friends as well to spread happiness!

Source: Melissa Mourelatos via Youtube


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