Wokandapix (CC0), Pixabay

It is difficult to avoid having absolutely no paw injury for your dog. However, it isn’t impossible.

We must always remember that dog paws aren’t indestructible.

Their footpads also need proper care. Hot roads, cold streets, and rocky lawns do bother them. So, in order to keep their paws looking cute and healthy, we’ve created a simple guide you can do.

Regularly checking the paws

Please do not wait till your dog limps before you decide to check his paws. Make it a point to do it at least once a week.

Check the footpads in between the toes, nails, etc. Check and watch out for cuts, scratches, bleeding, and swelling, or if you press on their paws, they feel discomfort.

Be aware of burrs

When you go on walks, and your dog happens to find him in the weeds, it is a possibility that they might get some burrs or awns. These can easily and immediately delve into the paw (or any part of the body), and it would hurt a lot.

Trim trim trim

Dogs who have long hair commonly experience mats growing between the paws, which can cause some irritability, so have this regularly trimmed. By trimming it, you will also find it easier to see burrs or awns.

Prevent too much moisture

Yes, there is actually a downside to having too much moisture on your dog’s paws. Too much moisture can also cause irritation!

So, if you’ve gone for a walk on a wet lawn or went for a swim, make sure to dry your feet with a towel. And if your dog ever licks his paws a lot, it might mean there is bacteria or infection on his paws.

Prevent too much dryness

Too much of something can always be bad. Dogs who have very dry paws can also experience paw cracks, which can cause irritation that may lead to possible wounds.

Ask your vet how to keep the perfect balance of moisture in the paws.

If it’s too hot, you better not

Want to give your dog a walk? Check the temperature of the concrete first by placing your palm on it.

If your palm can’t take the heat, then that means your dog’s paws won’t be able to as well.


Salt can cause problems

Winter is fun and all, but the salt found in the snow can end up stressing you out.

The salt can cause dryness, so when you go for a walk, make sure to dip the feet in water and then towel dry. This helps to prevent the salt from staying on their paws.

No to gunk

There are a lot of different types of gunk you will encounter when you go on a walk with your dog. There’s Car oil, spilled drinks, gum, tree sap, and so on and so forth.

These things might stick to their paws. You have to remove this. Wash it or use olive oil for a gentler and smoother process.


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