The feet are the foundation of the human body. Without its function, mobility will be difficult. As we know, aging is the number one factor that deteriorates a person’s movement. However, age isn’t the only aspect that affects our function. Conditions such as Morquio Syndrome can affect anyone regardless of age. A child as young as one year old could be a target of the syndrome.

family, luck, hand

Morquio Syndrome affects one out of 200,000 children. The affected child’s body does not produce an enzyme that helps break down the sugar components into simpler molecules. The condition results in abnormal bone development and dwarfism. The syndrome is a progressive disease, which means the body’s health worsens as the child grows.

Bella, eleven years old, is one of the 200,000 children who got the syndrome. The doctor identified the young teen’s condition when she was two years old. At 42 inches in height, Bella’s mother knew her daughter could not grow any further. The wheelchair and crutches were Bella’s only way to get around. Bella’s condition was only hopeful once she found out about therapy dogs.

woman, crutch, old

George is a Great Dane type of dog, two and a half years old, who helped Bella regain her balance. The young teen holds on to George to move around. Bella’s legs are shaped back to their healthy structure and function—the two love spending their day doing fun activities and adventures together.

George is from a Service Dog Project in Ipswich, Eastern England. The group trains Great Dane dogs and donates them to people with mobility disorders. Bella found George through the group.

great dane, dog, french mastiff

Surprisingly, the young teen didn’t pick the pup. Instead, George picked Bella. It started when George put his paws on Bella’s legs, showing the dog didn’t want her to leave. The instant connection grew between them.

Bella’s physical capability was restored beyond everyone’s expectations. The young teen can now move around without the guidance of crutches. George helped Bella not only physically but also emotionally. Humans get sad at times, and George knows when Bella is unhappy. When George notices Bella isn’t happy, the dog leans over to the young teen as if hugging her.

Whenever Bella went to her doctor and received weekly enzyme replacement therapy, George was always there to calm her. The young pup’s support made Bella feel at ease. Even during overnight stays at the hospital, the dog would climb up the young teen’s bed to sleep beside her, making Bella think that she was not alone in this situation.

Bella’s doctor used to say that the young teen could not walk or do normal activities anymore due to her condition. George proved that wrong.

Bella now enjoys doing activities with her friends without using a wheelchair and crutches. Nothing can stop Bella from doing what she loves. George played a crucial role in helping the teen regain her confidence and mobility. Bella and George’s story is proof that even though life may not be perfect, miracles do happen to help us cope with it.

To watch Bella and George’s adventure together, see the video below:

Credits: Steve & Kate’s Camp via YouTube


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