Separation anxiety transpires when a dog becomes anxious when he is separated from his favorite person.

People usually mistake separation anxiety for an attention-seeking behavior called simulated separation anxiety.

The difference between the two is that in separation anxiety, the dog is truly anxious or stressed when he gets separated from his favorite person. This torment continues even after you return.

Unlike simulated separation anxiety, where the dog only does this in front of you because he knows he will get the attention he seeks by doing atrocious actions. Simulated separation anxiety can be easily dealt with, but true separation anxiety can take a long time to cure.

What are the signs of separation anxiety?

· Pacing

Your dog keeps up at an intense pace, especially at the time you are preparing to leave.

This shows that he is extremely nervous about what is to happen. This is not harmful, but this is one of the initial signs he has separation anxiety. He keeps at this even if you are away.

· Excessive barking

Barking is one of the ways how dogs communicate.

When it becomes continuous, it can become really irritating. This is how dogs express their dismay once you cross that door and leave them. It is how a dog brings it to your attention that he is extremely vexed.

Once your dog starts barking relentlessly, it can be aggravating not only for you but also for your neighbors. It can truly test your temper, and you might find yourself thinking about giving up your dog.

A lot of dogs find themselves in the shelter because of this, but you should not give up on your dog. There are many ways to train your dog when it comes to barking.

· Escaping from confined area

You will see acts of your dog trying to escape by the door and windows. This will be in the form of scratches in the door, the floor beneath the door, or the curtains and windows themselves.

This behavior occurs as your dog attempts to go out after you.

· Causing devastation

Actions that involve scratching and chewing are common when your dog is experiencing separation anxiety. This usually occurs when you are away.

You would find yourself coming back to a house that is in a mess. The door would be full of scratches. The pillows will be thrown and thrashed on the floor.

The same may happen with the trash. And the furniture will be full of bite marks and scratches.

This kind of behavior happens when your dog wants to release some pent-up stress he is experiencing because of your leaving.

· Discharge of urine or feces

There are some cases where the dog urinates or defecates where he should not be doing so. This is a symptom of separation anxiety that takes place when you are away, even though he is already potty-trained.

It is important that you find the cause of your dog’s separation anxiety and have it treated. Letting it alone for a time can only bring him injury from his own acts of destruction.

Have your dog checked by a veterinary behaviorist immediately if you find signs of separation anxiety?


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