For centuries, we have always insisted that humans are distinct from and superior to other animals. However, this notion is slowly beginning to shift. Animals have moved into our homes and become our companions.

We spend countless hours observing their social media antics. We throw birthday parties for our pets and spend millions of dollars annually on their care.

Moreover, as our relationships with our pets evolve, research increasingly demonstrates the sentience of nonhuman animals, challenging the notion that an insurmountable gap separates humans and nonhuman animals.

The definition of sentience itself is broad. But to simplify, a sentient being has consciousness, someone capable of feeling pain and a range of emotions. By this definition alone, we can claim that animals are sentient beings. And when it comes to animals and sentience, the first animal that comes to mind are the canines.

Now, it’s still debatable whether dogs are capable of complex emotions such as jealousy, gratitude, or compassion, as these are human qualities. But countless stories and videos suggest that they may have that capacity.

A woman drove down a secluded road and passed by some dogs fastened to a pole with two-foot chains. Their appearance suggested that they were distressed, but a part of her felt assured that their owner was nearby.

However, the image of these dogs haunted her for the rest of the night. The woman couldn’t help but think of the possibility that the owner intentionally abandoned them.

The next day, she returned to the area where she found the dogs, and what she saw confirmed her worst fear. The dogs were still there, under the heat of the scorching sun. The dogs were likely hungry and dehydrated by the time she found them.

The woman did what she had to do: she unchained the distressed canine and placed them in the back of her car. Their appearance moved her to tears.

One of the dogs started whining in fear during the drive, so she transferred him to the front seat. As she continued driving, she reached out her hand to pet the terrified canine.

What followed utterly took her aback. Thankfully, she had her phone with her and managed to capture the moment. Despite the dog’s distress and fear, the dog placed its paw on her wrist and nuzzled her arm to express its gratitude to the woman and assure her that everything would be alright.

The woman, who was already emotional, started sobbing while telling the canine that things were now okay. The short video was short and straightforward. It had no dialogue, no animation, no subtitle, no flair – just the raw emotions and gestures of a dog captured with a phone camera that captured unsteadily as the car moved.

Yet when she shared the video on social media, the dog’s gestures moved viewers to tears. Having experienced firsthand one of the most heartwarming things a dog rescuer can ever get out of rescuing a dog, we can’t help but think that dogs might be more capable than we think.

Hopefully, after being blessed with such a powerful experience with her newly rescued animals, may this woman find the courage to give her new rescues a better life. As for us, may we learn to treat dogs and other animals with compassion, kindness, and respect!

Watch the emotional video below:

Source: ViralHog via YouTube


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