Little did Wendy Walden know that the Golden Retriever she adopted from Big Bear, California would become a celebrity in his own right.

Locally known as the friendliest dog in the neighborhood, Riley the Golden Retriever stole the hearts of numerous passersby with his sweet disposition and charming smile. Guarded by a wall that surrounded his family’s home, Riley still found a way to socialize with his neighbors. Using a box to stand on, he could hang out over the wall and greet everybody who passes by.

His mom Wendy never realized how popular Riley became because of his regular wall watch. People often stop and greet the pooch, often taking selfies with the adorable dog before giving him a well-deserved hug. Riley loved the attention, even inventing antics to gain more friends.

Riley invented the ball-drop technique, where he would casually drop his tennis ball over the wall just when somebody was about to approach. Most of the time, this works like a charm, and Riley relishes all the attention he could get. Everyone in their street is in love with this playful pup and indulges his need for frequent hugs and kisses.

Even the local Starbucks employees are sweet on the friendly dog. They would give him his treats in a paper bag so he could carry it easily on the way home. Riley’s family marveled at how their dog touched the hearts of many with his welcoming personality.

Each person who has approached him has received a warm arm hug from the lovely canine. The minute they try to pull away, Riley would try to tighten his embrace, unwilling to let go at once. His famous hugs endeared him to his adoring public and made him all the more popular.

Wendy loved seeing Riley’s photos online and reading about how others were smitten with her beloved dog. Riley was being his genuine self, sharing positive vibes to everyone he meets to make their day a little bit brighter.

Photos courtesy of Wendy Walden via Instagram


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