Law enforcement officers never know what awaits them at their job. Some days can be quite dangerous, and there would be times that could be uneventful. But there are also moments that can be very rewarding.

These officers have sworn to protect and serve everyone in the community, including animals. So when Georgia Trooper First Class Ennis, along with his K9 partner, a German Shepherd named Tek, found three abandoned puppies, they made sure that they would get the help that they needed.


The unexpected rescue mission started when the state trooper was on his routine patrol in an abandoned subdivision located southwest of Atlanta. The area is quite known as a dumping ground for stolen cars. While driving around, they saw three pups lurking around a briar patch.

The state trooper and his dog went down from their patrol car and started looking around. They tried to see if the litter had their mother around. They waited around for a bit, and it became apparent to them that somebody left the puppies there and there was no one coming back to get them.

TFC Ennis gathered the pups and brought them to his vehicle. Tek sat with them as they went back to their headquarters.

New homes

The adorable pups were featured on the Facebook page of the Georgia Department of Public Safety. They shared their story and acknowledged the kind officer’s efforts in saving their lives. A lot of people commended the state trooper and wished the puppies good luck.

According to the same post, all of the three puppies were adopted quickly. They would be leading good lives with people that will surely provide them with the love and care that every dog deserves. These pups could have led miserable lives. But thanks to a cop with a good heart and his dog partner, the future is looking very bright for them.

Source: Georgia Department of Public Safety via Facebook


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