Puppies are naturally so adorable which is why it’s so fun to watch them discover new things about the world. Just like human babies, puppies have yet to experience so many new things for the first time and they usually have the cutest reactions to these discoveries. If you’re a dog owner, you know you are lucky if you capture one of their cute moments on camera, just like the owner of this little pup.

Every person gets hiccups from time to time—but did you know that our pets can get the hiccups as well? It may be surprising to know that at first but it has been proven in a video uploaded on YouTube under an account that is named Matthew Kennelly.

Matthew has a pup named Buck who was only eight weeks old. In the clip, they were in the car together when the pooch noticed something strange happening to him. His body was convulsing a bit and at first, he just ignored it.

It was a hiccup! When it happened again, Buck started to get a little suspicious. After another hiccup, he tries to bite the air as if he could make it go away. More hiccups come and the pooch gets more agitated while barking and yelping. We can relate to him though because after all, we know how hard it is to get rid of a continuous case of hiccups.

Although the original video is remarkably short, it has already garnered over 62 million views on social media! It’s no surprise why this clip has struck a chord with viewers all over the world.

It is also clear to see that Buck is a precious dog who knows how to come up with some good strategies when dealing with problems in life. What an adorable pup, and we hope his hiccups didn’t last that long.

Check out Buck’s short and sweet video below!

Source: Daily Dose of Puppies via Youtube


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