Christine and Ashley have been working at the Luvable Dog Rescue in Oregon for about six years. Ashley recalled that they received a message about a Great Dane puppy named Lumen, who was abandoned at a box in Tijuana, Mexico.

Lumen was born with a lot of deformities that no pup should ever have. Lumen suffered from deafness, and all of Lumen’s feet did not have any paw pads.

The Great Dane always walks up on tiptoes because she does not have paw pads on all four feet, making her look like a ballerina with pointe shoes with each step she makes. Ashley recalled that she instantly wanted to scoop Lumen up the moment she saw the puppy.

Christine recalled that Lumen was nervous when she first came home with her and Ashley. Christine knew that Lumen has not yet experienced spending time with other dogs because of how aloof she was.

Christine recalled that one of their dogs, Atticus, immediately acted as Lumen’s big brother right after seeing the special needs pup. Christine and Ashley eventually noticed that Wicket, one of their foster pups who was born with no eyes, instantly became best friends with Lumen.

Christine and Ashley sought an orthopedic specialist for help regarding Lumen’s condition. However, the vet told them that she felt Lumen would not make it past six months and advised her to put down.

Christine and Ashley refused to give up on Lumen, so they decided to seek a second opinion. Lumen was eventually sent for surgery and created toes for Lumen, but she still could not walk like a regular dog.

Christine and Ashley decided to get prosthetics for Lumen from the owner of Bionic Pets named Derrick. Lumen eventually found the right artificial device for him after trying out a ton of them, and he could not be happier that he can finally join in on the fun.

Source: The Dodo via Facebook


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